From the entry-level worker to C-suite executive, your need for protected and secured employee rights is fundamental. However, we know that these New York employee rights issues may present themselves in different ways and we will work with you to ensure that at the end of the day, you are safe and secure.

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Fact 1: Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment differs from other forms of discrimination as it involves conduct that occurs in the actual employment context. A hostile work environment is created when an employee is subjected to bullying, insults, or unwelcome physical contact.

Fact 2: Breach of Contract

In New York, a breach of contract occurs when a party does not perform its contractually agreed-upon obligations. Elements that signal a cause of action for breach of contract are the formation of a contract between plaintiff and defendant, performance by the plaintiff, defendant’s failure to perform, and the resulting damage.

Under both federal, state, and city laws, discrimination–in the workplace, in public accommodations, in life–is not to be tolerated. However, this does not mean it doesn’t happen. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released the total cost of workplace discrimination cases in the United States for 2020– an alarming $439.2 million for victims of discrimination was secured as a result of discriminatory practices at the hands of private sector and government employers.

But when you face discrimination at work or in public accommodations, you may wonder, who is there to protect me? At Bantle & Levy LLP, we fight for the rights of the everyday employee all the way to C-suite executives who have been wronged and we look forward to fighting for you.

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Discrimination Facts

Fact 1: Disability Discrimination

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was designed to help people with disabilities access the same opportunities and benefits available to people without disabilities. Employers must provide reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants or employees.

Fact 2: Gender Discrimination

Under New York law, “gender discrimination can be based on one’s perceived or actual gender identity, which may or may not conform to one’s sex assigned at birth, or based on the ways in which one expresses gender, such as through appearance or communication style.”

A commitment to civil rights lies at the core of Bantle & Levy LLP’s mission. Whether combating discrimination, seeking redress for police brutality or wrongful arrest, or protecting your First Amendment rights, we will fight for your civil rights until the very end.

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Civil rights Facts

Fact 1: Civil Rights & Liberties

Civil rights & liberties laws are the basic freedoms and rights guaranteed to every individual under federal law. This includes those rights outlined in constitutions or interpreted by lawmakers and the courts. While civil rights protect people from discrimination based upon their status in a protected class, civil liberties are those limited freedoms that protect people from intrusion by the government.

Fact 2: First Amendment

Under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

As a C-suite executive, your role is extremely demanding and unavoidably stressful. While you’re handling the tough negotiations for the company and the people who work there, who is providing you with the highest level of legal representation when you need to negotiate for yourself?

At Bantle & Levy LLP, we represent high-ranking corporate and non-profit executives in negotiations over employment agreements, equity awards and separation agreements. Our team recognizes that you need an attorney on your side who is not just an expert in the field of employment law but also knows how to exert leverage in the negotiations so that you achieve the best outcome possible.

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C-Suite, Executive Representation Facts

Fact 1: Duty Of Loyalty And Trade Secrets

An employee's duty of loyalty requires that the employee keep information secret and should they disclose the information, and it is then used, both the employee and the person who was given that information may be liable for misappropriation.

Fact 2: The Cat's Paw Theory Of Establishing Liability

The Cat's Paw Theory asserts that an employer should be liable for adverse employment actions it takes at the discretion of a non-decision maker who is motivated by the unlawful discriminatory or retaliatory feelings or ill-will.